iFLYflat - The Points Whisperer

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Our new colour... ultramarine blue

Say hello to our new company colour: ultramarine blue

I saw the name ‘ultramarine’ while reading a travel magazine and I was immediately drawn to it. 

It was actually the name of a new Antarctica grade luxury adventure cruise ship destined to explore one of the last remaining pristine environments on our planet. Antarctica in my mind is the ultimate bucket-list destination, because it is difficult to get to, one cannot just fly there.

For some reason, I was drawn to this name so I had to research more. Very quickly I discovered that ultramarine represented this deep blue colour and I was immediately in love with the colour. 

How could someone love a colour?

The colour blue was already the iFLYflat corporate colour because it represents the blue sky of flying. So to see this new blue instantly captured my attention. Reading more deeply into the history of ultramarine revealed further alignment to the brand.

What’s in a colour?

From wikipedia - 

“Ultramarine is a deep blue color pigment which was originally made by grinding lapis lazuli into a powder.  The name comes from the Latin ultramarinus, literally "beyond the sea", because the pigment was imported into Europe from Asia by sea during the 14th and 15th centuries

During the Renaissance, ultramarine was the finest and most expensive blue that could be used by painters. Ultramarine blue is a glorious, lovely and absolutely perfect pigment beyond all the pigments.

It remained an extremely expensive pigment until a synthetic ultramarine was invented in 1826.”

The connection: 

  • the amazing vivid and deep blue colour (like our original corporate sky blue),

  • the name means ‘beyond the sea’ (flying is the modern way to cross beyond the seas),

  • the finest and most expensive (just like first and business class), and

  • the invention of the synthetic ultramarine has made it cheaper to use (just like how iFLYflat enables flying first and business class for significantly less)

A fresh vision and mission: 

We believe that travel enables more…

You meet new people, learn new things and understand more of the world around you... you bring back more ideas for your business... you begin to live a bigger version of yourself, that enriches the lifestyles of everyone around you... your family, work, friends, and community all grow and benefit.

We seek to rebalance the international disadvantage faced by Australians of flying 8 to 30 hours to reach the economics centres of Asia, Europe and the USA to showcase our smarts globally.

Our mission… iFLYflat helps you fly Business Class at the lowest cost, by using reward points wisely.

- Steve Hui

Founder & CEO, iFLYFLAT


- Business Points Membership (points maximisation)

- Flights Finder Concierge (Business/First class bookings)