Introducing Wilbur.

Your new travel assistant.
With you wherever you go.

Wilbur Ai

Travel revolutionised by Ai

Wilbur is Australia’s first AGI travel assistant. Developed by iFLYflat Labs.

Wilbur knows you better than even you know you

Wilbur listens and reads your emails and chats to learn everything about you and intelligently plans the perfect trips you didn’t even know you needed!

Faster bookings. Better trips.

Wilbur can book trips on-the-go, using your points or cash. Just say β€˜Hey Wilbur, book me a flight to ___’ and it’s done.

Right card.
Right time.

Wilbur connects to all your credit and debit cards to reroute spending through the right card to earn the maximum points for the right trips.

Trips are better with others

Wilbur connects to your friends and family calendars to better organise travel plans. It can even pool points together when suitable.

Try Wilbur Today.

Start with a 1 Day Free Trial:

Note: Wilbur is still in BETA mode. Expect some errors as we work out what Wilbur is doing exactly.